What's the risk of losing it all?

copyright: ALICE FINE Jewelry
To think we run the risk of losing it all means believing we have the right to get everything. But nothing is ours for granted just as nothing worth having comes easily. And this is why we should not blame life for whatever is happening around us, we should not blame rain when it falls down, we should not blame people who simply aren't right for us, we should not blame change when it's happening, we should not blame autumn when it's cold.

We have the opportunity to create so much out of nothing. Earth creates everything out of nothing. I planted some lemon seeds a while ago. They are small trees now, growing. You can plant a love seed and watch it grow. You can plant a forgiveness seed and watch it grow. You can plant an idea and watch it develop into your wildest and most beautiful dream, finally come true.

You can sometimes plant a smile and end up with a great relationship. Plant honesty and kindness and see where that leads you. You won't be disappointed, I promise. We have nothing and we have it all. We have it here already, all these mornings, all these beautiful friends, family members, significant others. We have all the seasons, all the days in a week and yet we have nothing.

Future isn't infinite, present is. Make the best out of it. Plant the seed of happiness in yourself and watch it grow. In the end, you become what you believe. And remember, there is no such risk as losing it all.

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