That DAY will come

'Détache-toi.' I told myself this morning. 'Détache-toi et laisse passer'. A piece of advice
 that crossed my mind just as a soothing hand sometimes crosses over your forehead. 
Play that music. Drink that coffee. Embrace that morning. That day will come. If you feel
 this morning is not perfect, do remember that nothing perfect is that great and that 
perfection is nothing but a placebo. 

We grow together. We grow patience, we grow love, we grow understanding.
 The advice is for those who need it not for those who don't want it. So détache-toi 
because that day will come. That day when your day will become true. And be less
 harsh with yourself. We all make decisions we don't like sometimes. Because life
 is not perfect, because we need constant improvement, because otherwise nothing
 would ever change. 

So relax. You'll get there. That day will come. Détache-toi.

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